Praim Verpackungen - Stahlband

Praim - Bestrap


Praim® is one of the most modern and dynamic company present in the packing market , thanks to a highly qualified team, that guarantees the maximum productive and qualitative efficiency.

Praim®, the company specialized in production of packing materials and accessories, is glad to introduce you BESTRAP® the innovative line of steel strap and seals, more and more matching to the safety characteristics of the market.

Strap - Bestrap® 70
Strap - Bestrap® 80
Strap - Bestrap® 95 Super
Seals - Overlap
Seals - S/magazine type

BESTRAP® it is not a product, but a real way to work and answer to the expectations of the customers. For that reason the range includes many solutions with different characteristics, in order to satisfy every quality, reliability and price requirements.

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